Ramping Up Rapidly: How do we unlock the great potential of Offshore Wind Power?

With the upcoming guidelines from the European Commission in focus, Nordenergi invites you to this breakfast seminar to dive deeper into qualitative criteria for auctions and open the discussion for expectations from the next Commission mandate.

The Nordic and Baltic Sea basins have enormous potential for offshore wind. Hence, the industry welcome the Wind Power Action plan as proposed by the Commission late last year. To unlock this potential close cross-border collaboration is needed and it is foreseen that further measures will be necessary to underpin the required growth in European wind-based industry.

As the North Seas Energy Cooperation (NSEC) countries, including Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, aim to build 76 GW offshore wind by 2030, increasing to 193 GW by 2040 and 260 GW by 2050, both bottom fixed and floating offshore wind technology must be deployed at a large scale, and at a rapid pace. There is an urgent need for investments in Europe’s wind energy supply chair to scale up the domestic production capacity for new wind turbines.  

In this breakfast seminar we will dive deeper into what is required to enable a competitive European wind industry, focusing on the need for a harmonised, yet flexible auction scheme.

This breakfast seminar will focus on:
  • The need for qualitative criteria for offshore wind auctions to keep European industry competitive
  • Importance of developing large-scale floating and bottom-fixed wind
  • Expectations from the next Commission mandate
Who is this seminar for?  

The target group for this seminar is politicians and other stakeholders in the offshore wind industry.


Giles Dickson

Selskap: WindEurope
Stillingstittel: CEO

Giles Dickson is the chief executive officer of WindEurope, a position he has held since 2015. WindEurope is the voice of the European wind industry. Dickson is also chairman of the independent advisory council of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E). Previously, he worked for the French engineering company Alstom where he was vice-president for global public affairs from 2008 to 2015. Prior to that, he was a civil servant in the U.K. government from 1992 to 2008, working mostly on European affairs. Dickson holds a Bachelor’s degree from Brasenose College in Oxford.

Lukasz Kolinski

Selskap: European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy
Stillingstittel: Head of Unit

Mr Kolinski represents DG Ener, working as Head of Unit in the unit for Renewables and Energy System Integration Policy.


Åslaug Haga

Selskap: Renewables Norway
Stillingstittel: CEO

Åslaug is CEO and head of Renewables Norway. She came from the position of general manager in Norwea before she took over the role of head of Renewables Norway during the merger with Energi Norge last year. She has a background in international organisations, the Norwegian Foreign Service and Norwegian politics. She has experience from the private, public and voluntary sectors.

Markus Fischer

Selskap: Ørsted
Stillingstittel: Regulatory Advisor

Markus represents Ørsted towards the European Union. The Ørsted vision is a world that runs entirely on green energy. The company develops, constructs, and operates offshore and onshore wind farms, solar farms, energy storage facilities, renewable hydrogen and green fuels facilities, and bioenergy plants.

Markus’ experience from working at Ørsted on EU energy and climate policy ranges from auction design to green industrial policy. Before joining the EU Affairs team, he worked on M&A transactions and Corporate PPAs in Ørsted’s London and Copenhagen offices. Markus can count on prior experience from the European Parliament, the UN Environment Program, and Tesla. He studied at WU Vienna, Peking University, and Sciences Po Paris.

Practical questions

Profilbilde av Marte Borge Lied
  • Marte Borge Lied
  • Prosjektkoordinator

Academic questions

Profilbilde Niklas Kalvø Tessem.
  • Niklas Kalvø Tessem
  • Leder Fornybar Norges Brusselkontor

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